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In need of a wardrobe reset? Let’s simplify your wardrobe and keep it organised.

First things first, let’s do a cull of any clothing or shoes you haven’t reached for in over a year! If you haven’t worn that coat in the previous winter and you haven’t reached for it again this winter it’s likely you also won’t wear it next winter. You may even find that you have similar items that you don’t need multiples of or clothes that you simply can’t remember why you purchased… Once you’ve finished the cull you’ll need to sort! Create a donate, discard and sell pile. You’ll be surprised with how many things you can sell, keep in mind that you could be selling someone’s dream piece of clothing.

Tip – If you can’t remember the last time you wore that item it needs to go!

For a more thorough reset we’d suggest creating a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe keeps your amount of clothing minimal whilst maximising your options. Start with staple items that you can easily rotate through and pair with multiple pieces, for example that blazer you can wear with everything. A capsule wardrobe doesn’t need to be boring! For special occasions buy that dress or suit with extra flare.

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Investing in quality pieces will assist in keeping your wardrobe organised as these pieces of clothing will last longer! Your wallet is better off purchasing one quality jumper that lasts you ten years, considering cost per wear is important in any wardrobe. If you’re getting twenty wears out of that $200 dress it brings it down $10 each time you wear it.

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Last but not least… your shoe collection, this is a difficult section of your wardrobe to de-clutter as shoes are normally the most practical item in a wardrobe. We’d suggest keeping three of each type of shoes for practicality, organise them into categories; sneakers, sport, heels, boots and sandals. Now you’ve decluttered your shoe collection you can start organising them, for optimal shoe organisation we have a new stackable shoe box collection. The shoe boxes clearly display your shoes making it easy to see your options to quicky grab and go.


We hope we’ve helped to organise your wardrobe! For more storage tips and tricks, check out our design blog! See our entire home range here and our new range of shoe boxes here.

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